Thursday, December 22, 2016

Literature Review

Diamant (1986)
The insulating material having very low value on thermal inertia where by the flammable is inversely proportional to the thermal conductivity (stec and hull 2010).when the EPS is subjected to high temperature, the cell walls started to soften and collapse se the cellular structure which the foam started to contract. According to (bynum,2001) (Papadopoulos,2005) (A1-homoud 2005)) as cited in vaou and panias , 2010 when the EPS is subjected to direct sunlight or temperature higher than 800c the EPS started to breaks down gradually and reacts with common solvent.

Gurman et al ., (2004)
It also gives of the carbon monoxide (co),carbon dioxide (co2) water and soot (black smoke) (doroudiani and omidian,2010).

Teo et al (1997)
During the mixing of the virgin with recycled pre expansion and molding stage , the pentane gas is being impregnated into EPS beads and causes the virgin to expand. Unlike for the recycled EPS which has already breaks it cells during grinding process at this stage very less pentane gas left hence the recycle has no longer expand. Acierno et al (2010) A nearer place needed to recycle the EPS waste. Maharana et al ,(2007)
EPS has becomes an alternative to traditional plastic commodity and it is an eco friendly polymer. There are two type of polystyrene mainly solid PS and the EPS . The solid PS such as coffee cups can recycle and synthesis its properties to original resin, which can be used for other application such as video cassette cases and office equipment . National polystyrene recycling company had revealed that the PS foam egg cartons can be recycling in to so many times.  Gnip et al (2008)

EPS also good in packaging product having shock absorbing properties, low cost and case of processing (International Trade Center UNCTAD/WTO).EPS also being used as insulating materials in construction. Building material due to its characteristics which having long term compressive stress.
Kan and demirboga,(2009)

            This phenomenon can develop more reliable models for predicting creep strain development by extrapolation and consistency. As leen started by doroudiani and omidian,2010 Eps is an attractive material because of low in material usage , less costly during installation , good performance and resist to moisture. Another characteristic of Eps it has low value of thermal conductivity. Unmodified EPS foams have a cellular microstructure with closed cell membranes made of EPS and its density is typically less than 50 kg/m3.Maharana et al (2007

Therefore there are several factors that need to be considered mainly the availability of waste product how much the amount of waste is being generated. Recycling has been the concern including eco-efficiency, corporate social responsible and how quality and traceability of product is been taken in to account. Hamad et al (2010)

            Polymeric materials are a unique product whereby it exhibit different durability based on its backbone of a chain. world nowadays produce this product massively in order to fulfill the needs and requirements of packing industry. As this product continuously increase , the total amount of plastics that ends up in waste stream is in a similar trend. This has lead towards the increment cost of landfill disposal. Vilapana and karlsson (2008)

Therefore it is important to optimize the waste by applying various practical approaches such as prevention , minimization , reuse are recovery. Papadopoulos (2008)
Previous research has proved that this EPS product can improve the heat impact by having a very low thermal conductivity value. Melo et al (2009) Basically , the EPS from packaging is white. Naguchi et al (1998)
Basically , the EPS from packaging is white in material and it has two types mainly clean post consumer or dirty post consumer. This box normally used in order to sustain the temperature level in its box. The other accepted polystyrene materials are serving school trays, polystyrene cups , plates and bowls , packaging used to protect electronic and computers , egg cartons , and small packaging of peanuts. Melo et al (2009)

            There are three methods used to recycling the EPS. Mechanical recycling usually requires the combination of high temperatures & shear stress (energy consumption) the chemical recycling usually requires depolymerisation of the recycle material through solvolysis and thermal catalytic. 

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